All natural DIY Body Butter

So I was thinking about what to give my mother and sister as a present this Christmas when moments before I stumbled upon an article that listed all the chemicals and cancer causing agents in body lotions, check out this list which doesn’t even cover all of them!

Well I was frankly…disgusted. I can’t believe I put this stuff on my body and had no idea! Your skin absorbs around 60% of what you put on it meaning that it is absorbing all those awful ingredients right into your body! This simply can not do. Thus, I came up with the idea of making my own all natural body lotion that has absolute no chemicals, preservatives or cancer- causing agents for my mother, sister, and I. Here is how I did it

Body Butter Recipe:

  • 1/2 cup shea butter- got one off Amazon, make sure it is natural and raw
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup sweet almond oil
  • 10-20 drops of essential oil- I used a mixture of peppermint and pine for Winter, add as many drops to your liking
  • Optional: I added drops of Vitamin E oil and a little bit of rose water.
  • Note: I used the whole pound of shea butter I got off Amazon since I was making gifts so I added more coconut oil (around a 1/2 cup) and had to use around 30 drops of essential oil. This made about 4 8oz. jars of lotion! Honestly you can wing this recipe to  how much body butter you think you will need. I used less coconut oil when using the  pound of shea butter because I didn’t want mine to be too oily.


Combine all ingredients, except the essential oils, in a small pot or double boiler.

Gently melt and stir over medium-low heat until the mixture is liquid.

Remove from the heat and let cool slightly

Move the mixture into the fridge and let cool another hour until hardened but still slightly soft

Then remove from fridge and add the essential oils of your choice, and whip with a hand mixer or stand mixer until the body butter is fluffy and stiff peaks have formed.

whipped body butter recipe using simple, natural ingredients!

Example of body butter that is finished– see how it holds its shape and is fluffly?

Spoon the finished body butter into a  jar. Yay! You now have an all natural lotion! This stuff makes my skin incredibly soft and feels light and good on my body instead of greasy and filmy. My body butter is a tad bit oily when I put it on but then soaks right up!


  • It’s really important to allow the body butter to set up, otherwise it won’t whip. I’ve found it’s ready to whip when I can stick my finger in the middle and it will hold the indentation. However, if you accidentally forget about your body butter in the fridge or freezer and it gets too hard, all is not lost. Simply allow it to thaw at room temperature until it reaches the proper consistency.
  • You can easily store your whipped body butter at room temperature. However, if your house is very warm, it may melt. But if this happens, you can simply re-whip and you’ll be good to go. I kept mine in the fridge until a few days before I gave them as presents (I live in Texas)
  • My favorite essential oil for this recipe is peppermint or lavender .
  • Do not use lemon essential, this oil is not good to put on the skin since it reacts badly with sunlight.
  • Avoid the following essential oils while pregnant or nursing (and skip EOs completely in your first trimester): Aniseed, cedarwood, chamomile, cinnamon, clary sage, clove, ginger, jasmine, lemon, nutmeg, rosemary, sage (this is only a partial list of some of the more common essential oils – view the full one here).

50 ways to use coconut oil- A must have!

50 Ways to Use Coconut Oil to Better Your Life

Scientific research on coconut oil has revealed health benefits that affect your entire body, inside and out. You’ve heard good things about it and now you have a tub of it sitting in your pantry. So how do you use coconut oil?
Uses for Coconut Oil

We asked our Facebook fans and coworkers how they use coconut oil. Here are some of the numerous ways coconut oil is used. If you’d like to participate in conversations about coconut oil or other natural health topics, I definitely recommend you connect with our Facebook page by clicking the like button below.

This post lists 50 different ways to use coconut oil and it also links out to a bunch of DIY coconut oil recipes to help you try the different uses. I hope you find it valuable.

Cooking and Eating

1) Cooking at High Heat – Some oils are unsafe to cook with at high temperatures, coconut oil is a great alternative. Check out our Guide to Cooking Oils to find  healthy cooking oils for whatever meal you are creating.
2) On Toast Instead of Butter – Simply use coconut oil instead of butter on your toast.
3) Eat it by the Spoonful – Coconut oil is that delicious and healthful. Enjoy one spoonful each morning.
4) Smoothies – Add one tablespoon of coconut oil into your favorite smoothie recipe and increase your energy with the oil’s MCTs. Check out this post for the Top Smoothie Ingredients.
5) Fry Eggs – Lightly coat the bottom of your skillet with coconut oil to create a non-stick surface and delicious eggs.
6) Popping Popcorn – A sweet twist on a classic snack! To make stovetop popcorn, you need a heavy-bottomed pan. First, add the coconut oil and popcorn to the pot. Coat the area of the pot with the oil, and use just enough popcorn to make a single layer over the bottom of the pot. Give the pot a little shake to make sure all of the kernels are coated with oil. Next, place the pot over medium heat. Put the lid on the pot, leaving it slightly open so that steam can escape. It should take about five minutes for the popcorn to pop completely.
7) Popcorn Topping – Instead of butter, melt a little coconut oil and pour it over your popped popcorn. Then sprinkle lightly with Himalayan crystal salt.

8) Oven Baked Sweet Potato Chips – Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Thinly slice sweet potatoes to about 1/8” thick.  Place slices on a baking sheet and brush lightly with coconut oil. Bake for about 15 minutes or until chips are lightly brown.  Add salt to taste, and serve with salsa or dip. (Or just eat them plain – either way they’re delicious!)

9) Replace Vegetable Oil for Baking – Next time you make your favorite brownie recipe, replace the vegetable oil with coconut oil. Your friends will be begging you for the recipe.
10) Pan Frying – Next time you fry up a batch of sweet potato fries or a piece of chicken, use coconut oil.
11) Grilled Cheese with Coconut Oil – No need for butter the next time you are making a grilled cheese sandwich.
12) Coconut Oil Coffee – Adding a spoonful to your coffee is a delicious way to start your day with a huge energy boost! Here is a great recipe for coconut oil coffee.
13) Homemade Granola – Check out this delicious recipe for coconut granola.
14) A Spoonful in Tea – Allow some coconut oil to melt and mildly flavor your next cup of tea.
15) Salad Dressings – A simple recipe for a salad dressing with coconut oil can be found here.
Coconut Oil Skin Care
16) Cheekbone Highlighter – Apply a small amount on cheekbones over makeup.
17) Shaving Lotion – Close shave and a moisturizer at the same time.
18) Facial Scrub – Combine coconut oil with Himalayan crystal salt and apply to face each night. Washing it off is optional.
19) Body Scrub – Combine coconut oil and sugar. Check out this DIY Sugar Scrub recipe.
20) Makeup Remover – Healthier, stronger and longer eye lashes are just a bonus!
21) Homemade Deodorant – You only need a few ingredients in addition to coconut oil to make this simpledeodorant recipe.
22) Homemade Lip Balm or Lip Gloss – Apply directly or create a flavored version with this simple lip balm recipe.
23) Diaper Rash Cream – Apply regularly to the baby’s bottom to improve skin health.
24) Sexual Lubricant – Our Facebook fans swear by this one :)
25) Stretch Mark Preventer During Pregnancy – This safe, healthy oil can be applied multiple times each day to help moisturize your stretching skin.
26) Nipple Cream During Breastfeeding – Coconut oil is a popular choice for nursing mothers because it is a natural safe product.
27) Massage Oil – Coconut oil is the perfect choice for a massage oil. Not too greasy and with a relaxing scent.
28) Body Moisturizer – Apply directly after showering.
29) Fade Age Spots – Rub on hands or other areas daily.
30) Sunburn Care – A great moisturizer to use after you’ve gotten a bit too much sun.
31) Facial Moisturizer – After you wash your face, massage a light layer on your skin.
32) Mix in Bath Water – Melt about 1/4 cup in the microwave and add it to your bath water and soak.
33) Tanning Oil – Put in a spray bottle and bring to beach. Spray on to keep skin moisturized.
34) Dry Feet Treatment – Mix with salt to form a foot scrub.
35) Elbow Rub – Helps manage the dry skin on your elbows.
Coconut Oil Hair Care
36) Leave-in Overnight Conditioner – Looking for a deep conditioning hair treatment? Rub a small amount of oil into hair (mostly at ends), comb through and put hair in a loose bun before bed, and wash out in the morning.
37) Hair Flyaway Tamer – Use very sparingly on ends or areas with flyaways.
38) Defrizzer of Split Ends – Just put a tiny amount on your hands and run them through the frizzy areas.
39) Static Reducer – Rub your hands together with a little bit of coconut oil on them and run them through your static-y hair.

Other Healthy Uses for Coconut Oil

40) Homemade Toothpaste – Combine equal parts coconut oil and baking soda. Sweeten with stevia and flavor with your favorite essential oil.

41) Aromatherapy – Whether you like coconut or not, the soothing aroma of coconut oil is pleasing to us all and can help us wind down after a long, stressful day. Read The Beginner’s Guide to Aromatherapy.

42) Wound Care – Although you may not be ready to give up your Neosporin, coconut oil can even be used as a topical protector for wounds, shielding them with a thin chemical layer from outside contaminants. You can apply a small amount of coconut oil to small scrapes and cuts.

43) Metabolism Booster – 2 tablespoons per day are proven to rev up your metabolism.

44) Thyroid Supporter – Regular coconut oil consumption has been shown to support healthy thyroid function.

45) Energizer – 1 teaspoon can give you a burst of energy instead of turning towards a caffeinated energy drink.

46) Oil Pulling – Swish coconut oil around in your mouth for 10 minutes before brushing. Read next: Oil Pulling: Health Benefits or Healthy Hype?

Using Coconut Oil Around The House

47) Season a Cast Iron Pan – Here is a nice explanation of how to season a cast iron pan with coconut oil.

48) Use it as a lubricant on small motors/electronics – One Facebook fan uses it to keep his juicer’s motor in top working condition.

Coconut Oil for Animals

49) Feed it to your Dog or Cat – Coconut oil isn’t just healthy for humans. Here is some good info on the benefits for dogs and cats.

50) Put It On Your Cat’s Paw – Put half a teaspoon on your kitty’s paw to keep a shiny coat and cut down on hairballs.
What Kind of Coconut Oil Should You Buy?

We always recommend you buy a Coconut Oil that meets these guidelines.

  • Organic
  • Extra Virgin
  • Cold-Pressed
  • Non-Hydrogenated

This post was written by Anthony D. Nelson, with the help of our awesome Facebook community. It was originally published in March 2013, and has since been republished with updated information. Last update was on: May 29, 2014.

Chinese Traditional Medicine, Visualized: The Human Brain On Acupuncture


Lying down on an exam table, spreading your arms and legs apart, and closing your eyes as fine needles are inserted into your skin sounds counterintuitive to pain relief. The ultra-thin stainless-steel acupuncture needles are strategically placed into your skin at acupuncture points to evoke “deqi” sensations that can lead to a relaxed and healthier you. The tiny sensations caused by the pricks on your skin actually activate the nervous system and the brain, but how does this all work?

Doctor putting acupuncture needles on woman's shoulder

The “qi” sensation that is widely discussed in acupuncture is produced when a needle is inserted. The aching, tingling sensation generates responses in different brain regions as acupoints are needled. In fact, specific acupuncture points have distinct deqi characteristics that have a consistent and unique ability to stimulate specific brain regions.

Stimulating acupuncture points leads to overlapping brain responses in a number of cortical and subcortical brain regions. This includes…

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Another 2015 post

So 2014 is officially over and 2015 is now ready to roll. Something tells me that this is going to be a good year. For me I have a few resolutions that I should really try to focus on:

Stay and be HEALTHY! Work out, do yoga, eat right, and be natural!

Focus on mindfulness: This I want to practice on because I am going to be an acupuncturist, a person who helps others heal, I want to be fully present with those I come into contact with so I can help them in the most beneficial way. I also just want to practice living in the moment.

Eliminate carcinogens: Did you know in almost all bath products and lotions we use there exist cancer causing agents? Yeah, I didn’t until recently and I was honestly grossed out! Your skin absorbs 60% of what you put on it and so you are absorbing those chemicals right up! (I actually will post a DIY body butter  recipe that is all natural). Honestly I can’t eliminate everything that has bad things, almost everything does at this point, but I can try to avoid them, and I also just really need to wear makeup.

BE HAPPY AND BREATHE: Life and its never-ending obstacles tends to cloud my vision and make me cynical. I want to view the world as fresh and lovely and not as some day to day bullsh*t I just need to get through. Life is full of beautiful things and moments and I want to be there for them!

The Health Benefits of Pine Trees

I love the pine oil I just got and am definitely going to try it out in my diffuser!

Shanghai Metal Corporation

Tomorrow is Christmas and we’re all excited to celebrate it ! During this time of festivities, pines are one of the most commercially important tree species. We love pines because they bring us joy during Christmas and they also have this delightful, holiday-spirit aroma. Do you know that pine tree can also give you health benefits ? Let’s learn more about them :

1. Pine Needle Tea

Photo from bodyenlightenment

Pine needle tea has been a medicinal favorite of indigenous peoples for centuries. It is said to have helped European settlers survive their first winter in the New World. It is rich of vitamin C, A and has antioxidant properties.
Visit this website to learn how to brew it.

2. Pine Essential Oil

Photo from aromaoilstore

In Japan, there’s an interesting concept called shinrin-yoku, which means “forest bathing”, referring to spending time in the woods for its therapeutic effect. Unfortunately, most…

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