养生 Yǎng shēng – The best treatment


A lot can be written about medicine, medical practice, treatment techniques and medical research. Common for them all is their focus on pathology; what is wrong in the human being. Never forget that pathology is the study of wrong. It is not and has never been the study of what is working correct or how even to make something work correctly for that sake. In western medicine we find a strong medical tradition for using reductionist methods. In Chinese medicine and – psychology the focus is more as you know on holism.

Yang sheng is one of the most important concepts in the understanding of Chinese medical sciences. 养 Yang means support or increase, and 生 Sheng means life; support life. Yang Sheng is when everything is correct; in other words not wrong. In the body Sheng exist when everything works at it should. The word Sheng qi is used…

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