Scorpio Tarot reading for 2015 – very insightful!

Tarot With Sonnyaa Siingh

Members of the zodiac of Scorpio have a challenging year ahead with emotional ups and downs, confusions and endings. But not to worry as your inner strength comes to rescue and gives you the necessary push to get past the obstacles. It is worth noting that the universe is kind and you receive help in the nick of time and are presented with an array of choices to keep you going.

January to March – 8 of Cups 


The first three months are emotionally heavy on scorpio, as they prepare to take stock of what they have and embark on a journey to find inner satisfaction. This kind of journey may take place on a physical or emotional plane. You are leaving the comfort of the known and familiar and walking away to explore uncharted territories. Travel is indicative in the first 3 months. You may have everything you need…

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